Our baby and toddler group meets on Tuesday mornings from 9:00 to 11:00am (term time only). Everyone caring for a small child is welcome to drop in during this time to chat with friends over a cup of tea or coffee. Various activities and refreshments are on offer and towards the end of each session the children have a snack followed by singing games. For more photos see https://buckbybaptistphotos.wordpress.com/2023/03/18/little-rascals-march-2023/. The group is free of charge. There is a tin on the counter for voluntary donations to charity, but absolutely no pressure to contribute. We meet in the church lounge at the back of the building. To reach this room, if the doors on the front of the church are not open, then you can go through the gates on the left to the door at the back. Once inside, turn right through the small door, then left into the lounge.