Who to Ask?


For General Enquiries and Room Bookings

email: longbuckbybaptist@gmail.com
Church answerphone: (01327) 842587

Find us on facebook at facebook.com/long.buckby.baptist.church


Church Secretary

Peter Walls
Peter Walls is our Church Secretary - email secretary.longbuckbybaptist@gmail.com

Financial Matters

Ivan Martin 2017
Ivan Martin is the Church Treasurer - email treasurer.longbuckbybaptist@gmail.com


Pastoral Care Deacon

colin smartt
Colin Smartt - email pastoral.longbuckbybaptist@gmail.com - please note that you can also use this email address if you require the services of Daventry Foodbank.

Prayer Chain

Please contact Leanne Tucker on leannetucker8807@outlook.com if you would like us to pray for you. We have both email and phone based prayer chains for prayer requests.


Designated Person for Safeguarding (DPS)

Emma Read will advise the church on any matters related to the safeguarding of children and adults at risk and take the appropriate action when abuse is disclosed, discovered or suspected.

Phone numbers: 01327 301691 or 07958733649
Email address: reademma @aim.com


Any other questions

Any of the church leadership team are usually happy to talk when it is appropriate and time permits.